Henry David Thoreau Walking Tour

Did you know that Henry David Thoreau was baptized David Henry Thoreau? Did you know that he willingly spent a night in jail in July of 1846 but had to be kicked out the next morning?  Join us for a 90-minute, two-mile walk where we will visit some of the places that were significant during Thoreau’s life and discuss the principles he lived by.  We will begin where Henry taught school after graduating from Harvard College and where he spent a night in jail.  We will visit his gravesite on Author’s Ridge in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery where you will learn about his family and his famous neighbors.  If time allows, we will walk past the house where Henry lived the last 12 years of his life.  We will also visit the Concord Public Library to view photographs and sculptures of Henry Thoreau.  The tour will conclude with tea at Barrow Bookstore.  Our guide will also suggest other sites important in Henry’s life that you can visit on your own.  Please note that due to time and distant constraints this tour does not go to Walden Pond.

Call 978-318-3061 or email visitors@concordma.gov to schedule your tour or CLICK

This tour is in partnership with the Barnstable Land Trust, Celebrating 40 years.


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