CONCORD250 Trees

Project Description

As we consider appropriate ways of commemorating the 250th anniversary of the Battle of Concord and Lexington, we have an opportunity to pause and look not only back, but forward: what do we want Concord to be 250 years from now? We are at an ecological inflection point, locally and globally, as we seek ways to mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis. What better way to mark the 250th than with a living monument, the planting of 250 trees?

Trees are a critical part of Concord’s natural ecosystem, scenic beauty, cultural heritage, and economic sustainability. Concord Public Works (CPW) currently plants 80-100 trees per year, and the 250 trees initiative seeks to augment that number beginning in FY ‘25, as well as to begin immediately to highlight the importance of Concord’s tree canopy and build support for more sustained funding for tree planting and maintenance into the future. Species planted will be native to the region and consistent with species identified in CPW’s tree planting guide. Most importantly, a 250 trees initiative supports the Town’s sustainability goals and recommendations of the 2017 Concord Tree Management Plan in an era of rapid climate change.



Citizen volunteers have been working with the Permanent Memorials Subcommittee to identify potential planting sites, including locations within the public right of way, and on Town-owned and private properties where appropriate, in coordination with Concord Public Works.



  • April – May 2024: Working Group defines the details of its scope of work
  • January 2024 – July 2025: Public Communications
  • May 2024: Town Meeting vote on CPC and Capital funding request
  • November 2024: Hire tree planting contractor
  • Fall 2024: Fundraising
  • Fall 2024 (tentative), Spring 2025, and Fall 2025: Plant trees



The Subcommittee has determined with the assistance of CPW a cost estimate of $1591 per 2 ½” caliper tree to be procured, installed, monitored, and watered for two years by a contractor. If the entire project were to be contracted in this manner, the resulting budget would approach $400,000. $125,000 in Community Preservation Funds was approved at 2024 Annual Town Meeting, and an additional $125,000 will come from American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Private fundraising will fill the gap, including a $50,000 gift from the Middlesex School.


Concord250 Tree Project Mission Statement

Concord250 Trees Project Proposal


Middlesex School will be making a $50,000 gift to the tree project, and we are challenging other local institutions and individuals to help us match the gift. The window is very tight: the project went out to bid last week at a contract amount of $250,000. We can increase the contract amount with contributions while the bid is still open, until around November 6th. (Any gifts over $500, however, would have to be accepted by the Select Board at their meeting on the 4th.)


The contract amount can still be increased after the bid closes, but it becomes a more complicated process so we’re hoping to raise as much as possible in the next ten days or so. I hope you’ll consider a gift!


Donations can be made through the Town’s website:

(Click “Online with Credit Card or Automated Clearing House (ACH) Payment”, then type “Concord” in the box on the next page and select “Town of Concord – 250th Celebration”, then click the black box that says “250th Celebration”.)


Checks can be mailed to:

Town House

ATTN: Concord250 Exec. Committee

22 Monument Square

Concord, MA 01742


All gifts should be accompanied by a memo or letter clearly indicating that the gift is intended for the Commemorative Tree Fund or 250 Trees for the 250th.


For contributions from Donor Advised Funds, the Town’s tax-exempt ID number is 04-6001121.


Thank you for considering, and let me know if you have any questions!

(revised 10/24)

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