Call for Concord250 Ambassadors!

When: Saturday, April 19, 2025
What: Volunteer in a small team to host visitors to Concord on this special day. Teams will work in
different 3-4 hour shifts around the town throughout the day.

• Represent our town as a welcoming presence
• Provide information about the day’s events and locations
• Network with other resources if visitors need special assistance

Volunteers 18 years of age and above

Volunteer orientation
You will be provided convenient opportunities, in-person or online, to get familiar with the basics
of event logistics, first aid and safety, communications, and event management. Additional eventspecific information about the day’s activities will be shared once it is fully developed.

What if I am already helping with Concord250?
You can still help, during a shift that does not conflict with your other plans for the day.

How to get involved:
Please email and your message will be forwarded to a
volunteer who is organizing the Ambassadors.

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