Daily Historic Walking Tour of Concord – 1 p.m.

Daily Historic Walking Tour

For over 10,000 years humans have lived in this area we know as modern Concord. This tour traces the history of the settlement from its earliest beginning to the 21st century. This tour is the perfect introduction to Concord and its rich history.   The 75-minute tour is approximately 1 mile and is mostly flat with limited walking.

This tour of old Concord town takes us down the venerable streets and byways hearing the voices of those who have come before while appreciating the silent stones, memorials, and buildings they have left behind. . With new research and a greater understanding of past events, we open new windows and new opportunities to tell fuller stories of all the people of our town. Departs from the Concord Visitor Center at 58 Main Street and is approximately 75 minutes of mostly flat walking with one incline. Available for private tours by request until April 1st. April 1-November 30 offered daily at 1pm with no reservations needed.

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