Concord History with a Chocolate Twist Walking Tour

The twist on Concord’s classic tour from the Concord Visitor Center is a 90-minute chocolate filled experience that will introduce guests to the downtown Concord area.

The tour will touch on the town’s revolutionary and literary history while visiting sites such as The Milldam, Monument Square, The Old Hill Burial Ground and more.

Participants will enjoy a taste of locally roasted nuts combined with handcrafted chocolate at Gräem Nuts and Chocolate and get a taste of their Signature Handmade Bark.  Other stops include Priscilla’s Candy Shop, a fourth generation family owned candy shop, hand making fine chocolates, truffles, fudges and caramels since 1936. The tour will end at Nosh  by Concord Market,  where guests are invited to warm up and enjoy a treat of hot chocolate and brownies.

Concord History with a Chocolate Twist departs from the Concord Visitor Center, 58 Main St. The cost is $35 adults; $30 seniors and students. Advance registrations required.

Offered as a private tour and during winter months.

To reserve your spot today 



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