Holiday events in Concord

Charming snow-covered homes twinkling with candlelight. Quaint village stores with sweet candy canes and delightful toys. Steaming cups of hot chocolate and cookies for carolers and shoppers. Moonlight sparkling on the trees and sidewalks. Sounds like a winter wonderland? It is, and it can be found in Concord, Ma., where winter is not a season, it’s a celebration, especially during the holidays. Here’s a round-up of can’t miss events:

West Concord holiday stroll: Enjoy the shops in West Concord, which range from sporting good shops, thrift and antique stores to home merchandise and more. Savor a cup of coffee with a freshly baked cookie and listen to music during the West Concord Holiday Stroll, Dec. 10, 1-5 p.m. And even if it’s past that date, West Concord is a great place to do your Christmas shopping or grab a bite to eat. 

Family trees at the Concord Museum: Don’t miss this beloved holiday tradition at the Concord Museum. The 27th Annual Family trees, a celebration of children’s literature, runs through Jan. 2. Thirty four trees and wreathes are decorated with charm and inspiration from acclaimed children’s books. 

Art workshop: The white line woodcut, also known as the Provincetown Print, is a uniquely American form of printmaking. This fun workshop offers the opportunity to learn traditional techniques of design, carving, and printing, as well as the chance to expand upon the tradition with creative inking and printing options, to create contemporary interpretations of the medium. Participants will leave with a number of prints, and with newfound skills and appreciation of the process. Dec. 10, 10 a.m.-4 pm. At Concord Art. 

The Old Manse: From the Revolutionary War to the revolution in American thought under its roof, The Old Manse was the center of Concord’s political, literary, and social zeitgeist for a century. The Old Manse is open to the public with winter season hours with pre-registration recommended. Sign up for a tour time here.

Holiday Pops Concert:  A festive holiday pops concert presented by the Firebird Pops Orchestra at the Umbrella Stage Company,  Friday, Dec. 16 and Sunday, Dec. 18 celebrates all things festive and cheerful.

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