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Veterans’ Day Flag Retirement 

November 11 @ 8:00 AM

Veterans’ Day Flag Retirement

2023 Event

  • Saturday, November 11, 2023
  • 8 a.m.
  • 7:45 a.m. muster at:
    Prichard’s Gate
    34 Bedford Street
    Concord, MA 01742
  1. Flag Retiring In Burning Bin
  2. 4-H Children Carrying Flags
  3. Citizens standing in line


The Flag Retirement Ceremony is traditionally held each year on Veteran’s Day and enables Concordians the opportunity to retire their American Flags in a respectful and appropriate manner.

This local ceremony was established in 1965:

  • James Carroll
  • Clark McClevin
  • Francis McDonald
  • Bernard Rushe
  • Thomas Tombeno

These individuals felt that the many cemetery flags, which were torn and faded from being left in place through the fall and winter months, honored neither our nation’s colors nor our departed veterans. It was decided that each year, on Veteran’s Day, the worn flags would be collected by the Public Ceremonies and Celebrations Committee and retired in an appropriate manner.

  • This event has passed.


November 11, 2023
8:00 am - 5:00 pm