Who is eligible and what do I have to do?
Students in grades 9 – 12 who are living in Concord or attending school in Concord are eligible.
You have to write an essay of no more than 1000 words.
You have to submit your essay online here by April 30, 2024.
This sounds like a lot of work, is it?
Make it fun. Interview relatives, neighbors or friends who lived in Concord 50 years ago and get a feeling of how much has changed in the last 50 years. Use your imagination to define your own vision of what you think life will be like 50 years from now. And 1000 words should only take a few hours spread over the next 4 months. But don’t wait to get started!
How does my essay get graded?
Use standard written English grammar and mechanics. Give details and examples as needed and cite sources for specialized information that is not your own. Your essay will be evaluated on its clarity, feasibility, use of plausible examples, supporting events, and original concepts.
Our evaluation committee will read your essay and will select from all entries received 5 entries that are judged to best develop and detail their vision of what will be, in accord with the criteria given above.
All entrants will receive a certificate of participation and the top 5 selected entries will receive $500 honorarium and will be published.
In 2075, you will be able to reread your essay and realize how accurate your vision and prediction was!
We thank you for your willingness to participate and offer your thoughts and expectations on our future.