Bonnie Beaudet

Meet the tour guide! Bonnie Beaudet

It’s not easy being a tour guide especially in Concord. The first bar to cross is the licensing, which requires an eight-week training on interpreting town history as well as...

Concord 250: Monumental (Re)Make

Concord 250: Monumental (Re)Make Celebrate the 250th birthday of the battles of Concord and Lexington by helping us recreate Daniel Chester French’s iconic statue The Minute Man through collaborative 3D printing! What is…

Ellen Garrison: Scenes from an Activist Life

In 1835, 12-year-old Ellen Garrison marched in the Concord bicentennial parade, the only person of color to participate, launching her into a life of civil rights activism. Ellen Garrison: Scenes…

Concord250 Essay Winners Reception

Congratulations to the Winners of the Concord250 High School Student Essay Contest! The Concord250 Essay Contest invited high school students living in or attending school in Concord to reflect on the...

New Mural Map at the Concord Visitor Center

Come see the new mural map of Concord at the Concord Visitor Center that was installed on October 21, 2024. Artist: Steve Bermundo of Frame: Billy Crosby & Team

Crowdsourcing the American Revolution

Veterans Day Nov 9-16-2024

Concord Veterans’ Day Events

Mark your calendars! Veteran’s Day is just around the corner and there is a great line up of Concord events to honor our Veterans. Join us Saturday, November 9, 1PM...

Shot Heard Round the World: Watch the April 19, 1775 Timeline

Watch the Concord Museum’s slideshow of the April 19th timeline here. This interactive timeline presents the story of April 19, 1775, the day that the “shot heard round the world”...

Concord’s Haunted History

Happy Halloween! To celebrate this spooktacular holiday filled with ghouls, ghosts, witches, and yummy candy, let’s take a look at Concord’s haunted history.  Is Concord’s Haunted Colonial Inn Haunted? While...